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Valence School

Our Learners Are:
Respectful - Resilient - Independent - Positive - Passionate

Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)

The purpose of the Pupil Premium Grant is to close the achievement gap between students from low income families and their peers, by ensuring that this funding reaches the students who need it most. Schools have the freedom to spend this funding as they see fit based upon their knowledge of pupil needs.

Pupil Premium funding can be used to support you and your child with the following:

  • Support with school trips and educational visits 
  • Off-site PE costs
  • Any textbooks, reading books, and revision guides that are required by subjects
  • Any additional equipment that is required by subjects
  • Support with school uniform and PE kit costs

Details on spending can be found on our Pupil Premium & Recovery page.

If you would like any more information on Pupil Premium and how it can support you, please contact